

THE programa

The Student – Athlete program is designed for high performance athletes looking to take their academic and athletic careers to the next level.

The program provides students with the tools necessary to succeed both academically and athletically, offering personalized and high quality services to ensure their peak performance on and off the field.

Our specialized staff will work closely with the student from day one.

Following up with them and monitoring their performance to ensure they are always at the top of their game.

Comprehensive Support
From day one, every student-athlete is given a solid foundation to build their academic and athletic dreams. CIS educates student-athletes from all over the world. However, as talented as these young athletes are, they need a significant level of support to keep up and succeed in their education. CIS provides a multi-tiered support system for every athlete to succeed no matter where they are located.
Sports Coordinator
The sports coordinator will guide, teach and motivate you throughout your CIS journey, participate in student orientation and team building exercises to start the year. El CD y los estudiantes continúan colaborando y construyendo el compañerismo a medida que avanza el año académico. Esto se logra a través de reuniones semanales, la comunicación con los padres, y el apoyo con habilidades de organización. Nuestro CD incluso a veces asiste a eventos deportivos y se reúne con los estudiantes y las familias en persona para entender mejor toda la dinámica en la vida de cada uno de nuestros estudiantes. 
Creation of a sports curriculum
From day one, every student-athlete is given a solid foundation to build their academic and athletic dreams. CIS educates student-athletes from all over the world. However, as talented as these young athletes are, they need a significant level of support to keep up and succeed in their education. CIS provides a multi-tiered support system for every athlete to succeed no matter where they are located.
Advantages of the program

Special events and seminars

Students enrolled in the Student-Athlete program will have access to special events, webinars, special discounts and other benefits.


Premium access to international scholarship services

CIS University offers access to a variety of companies specializing in sports scholarships in the United States and Europe.

Our extensive list of partners allows us to not only find the best company for your particular sport and case, but also special package pricing.

Internship placement

For more than 15 years, CIS has developed and expanded agreements with some of the largest and most prestigious companies in Spain and around the world.

Students will have access to some of the most exclusive companies in different sectors as part of their academic and professional curriculum.

¿Where are we?



United States


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